AOD Diagnostics: Who are we?

Who is AOD Diagnostics?

AOD Diagnostics is a company specialised in the realisation of real estate diagnostics in the context of sales and rentals.

Our mission is to provide you with these diagnoses with responsiveness and professionalism.

After examining the premises, according to the regulations in force, we draw up the corresponding mandatory technical diagnosis file.

Our strengths : Availability (we also work at weekends), Proximity (in Provence), Professionalism and Reactivity (which are the values of our company).

Théo Michollet

Gérant d’AOD Diagnostics

Native of the Provence region and passionate about real estate

C'est en 2021 suite à son alternance au côté de Romain RENIER le fondateur d'AOD Diagnostics que Théo va découvrir le métier de diagnostiqueur immobilier. Tout juste sortie d'un BAC+2 en gestion d'entreprise, Théo se voit offrir une opportunité de reprendre la société dans laquelle il a évolué durant 2 ans… 2024, voilà qui est fait, Romain a passé le flambeau de sa création et Théo se lance dans une nouvelle aventure entrepreneuriale.

Car AOD Real estate diagnostics

Our certifications

  • Asbestos
  • ECD
  • Gas
  • Termite
  • Lead
  • Electricity


Nos zone d'interventions

AOD Diagnostics intervenes throughout the region (Bouches du Rhône) to carry out your sales and rental diagnostics.

Please contact us so that we can provide you with a quote. 

We want to be reactive; we therefore ensure our customers a return within 24 hours and a very fast intervention after validation. 

Ask for a quote