What is the (ECD)?
Since 1 Januaryer As of July 2007, the Diagnostic de Performance Energétique (abbreviation: DPE) makes it possible to assign an energy class to a property ranging from A to G (A representing an excellent energy performance).
The ECD is therefore mandatory for the sale or rental of your property.
The ECD, Why should it be measured?
The ECD calculation was proposed in 2006 with the following main purposes:
- Controlling energy expenditure
- Act against climate change (greenhouse effect due to gas emissions).
The two criteria that are becoming increasingly decisive in the acquisition or rental of a property are sustainable development and purchasing power.
80% of French people find that one of the major factors is energy consumption.
Which properties are covered by the ECD?
The energy performance diagnosis is mandatory when :
- A sale of a property already built
- A rental of a dwelling
- Construction, purchase of a new home or extension
(Except for seasonal rental properties and rural leases).
Who should carry out the ECD?
Buying or selling a home already built :
- By the seller as soon as the property is put up for sale.
Construction, extension, purchase of a new home :
- By the owner (excluding the developer)
Renting a dwelling :
- By the owner

How is the ECD carried out?
The calculation of the energy performance diagnosis must be carried out by a certified diagnostician using a legally approved software.
In order to classify the dwelling, two "labels" will be used to measure the ECD:
- An energy label showing the yearly energy consumption of the property based on a scale from A (low consumption) to G (high consumption).
- A climate label summarising the impact of the property's energy consumption over a year on gas emissions (CO2 ) based on a scale from A (low emission) to G (high emission).
What does the ECD contain?
An ECD must describe :
- the thermal resistance of different components of the dwelling:
- The low floor (is it well insulated and what does it look like?)
- The walls (the materials used, their thickness, their insulation, etc.)
- The joinery (is it single or double glazing for the windows? What is the thickness of the insulating air space? Are the frames made of wood, PVC or other materials, etc.)
- The roof (its characteristics, condition, etc.)
- The ventilation system
- The hot water, heating and cooling system
In addition to information on the amount of energy consumed, each ECD must provide advice and assistance on the energy management of the property.
This advice will help to reduce the energy costs of the property and encourage the owner to optimise its energy performance.
This diagnosis therefore serves as an assessment in order to guide the owner in the search for an energy improvement in his property.
This report will be very useful on older houses which often have large energy losses.
The diagnostician must ensure that his recommendations are precise and costed, indicating the future work to be carried out in order to optimise these energy costs.
This will give the owner an idea of the return on investment he can expect.
Since 1 Januaryer On 1 January 2011, estate agents are obliged to display the energy label of the energy performance report in their advertisements on all media.
How long is the ECD valid for?
The ECD is valid for a period of 10 years.
If improvement works are carried out to optimise the "energy" rating of the rented property, it is recommended to reschedule an energy performance diagnosis.
Are there any penalties for not having an ECD?
The ECD must be attached to the DDT (technical diagnosis file) which accompanies the compromise or the deed of sale.
For the seller
- The absence of ECD diagnosis can be judged as a fraudulent manoeuvre. The sanction is the cancellation of the deed of sale or the reduction of the sale price of the property.
- If the advertisement gives false information or misleads the future buyer, a fine of €300,000 and a prison sentence of 2 years can be imposed on the seller.
For the lessor
- The absence of an ECD diagnosis can be judged as a fraudulent manoeuvre. The penalty is the cancellation of the lease or the reduction of the rent for the property.
- If the advertisement gives false information or misleads the future tenant, the landlord can be fined €300,000 and imprisoned for 2 years.
- From 2021 onwards, no rent increases will be accepted on F or G class dwellings without renovations to improve energy performance
For the technician
A fine of €1,500 may be imposed on a technician who fails to send the DPE to the ADEME (Agency for the Environment and Energy Management).
Is the ECD mandatory for all property sales or rentals?
The ECD is mandatory for all properties except for :
- properties that do not have any means of heating,
- buildings used for the practice of religion,
- listed historical monuments,
- individual buildings with a gross floor area (gross floor area). is less than 50 m².
- buildings that are intended to be used for a maximum of 24 months.
What is the price of the ECD?
As with any diagnosis, the price of an ECD depends on the surface area of the property to be diagnosed and can vary enormously if it is carried out simultaneously in a single visit with other diagnoses (price reduction).
Toutefois la fourchette de tarif d’un DPE seul se situe entre 70€ (studio <30m2) à 130€ (T5 <150m2).