⇒ Lead diagnosis: Why should it be measured?
⇒ Is lead diagnosis mandatory for all property sales or rentals?
⇒ How is lead diagnosis carried out and what is its content?
⇒ Lead diagnosis: How long is it valid?
⇒ Are there any penalties for not having a lead diagnosis?
⇒ Is a lead diagnosis mandatory before demolition or work on a building?
⇒ How is a "before work" lead diagnosis carried out?
⇒ Lead diagnosis "before work": How long is it valid?
⇒ Lead diagnosis "after work": What happens next?
Lead diagnosis: What is it?
The lead diagnosis, also known as CREP (constat de risque d'exposition au plomb), is one of the compulsory real estate diagnoses before the sale or rental of a property.
Lead diagnosis: Why should it be measured?
Lead may be present in some so-called "old" paints.
The ingestion of lead causes a very serious disease called lead poisoning. This ingestion is very harmful, particularly for the health of young children (who tend to put everything in their mouths) and for pregnant women if these paints are sanded. Lead poisoning can cause abdominal pain, anaemia and high blood pressure.
Is lead diagnosis mandatory for all property sales or rentals?
Only dwellings for sale or rent built before 1 January 2007 can be considered for the purposes of this Directive.er January 1949 are concerned.
This diagnosis only concerns premises used for residential purposes.
How is lead diagnosis carried out and what is its content?
One of our professional certified diagnostic technicians will come and perform measurements of lead on all coatings (paints, varnishes, coatings), or even take samples if the measurements cannot be made with the X-ray fluorescence device. These samples are non-destructive.
It should be noted that lead pipes are not part of the control points during the lead diagnosis.
The CREP report must list all the materials present in the diagnosed property. Our diagnostician will assign a class to each material: from 0 to 3 (class 3 corresponding to the presence of lead with coatings showing strong characteristic deterioration.
The report also contains an information leaflet, which summarises the health effects of lead and the precautions to be taken in the presence of lead-containing coatings. It is annexed to the lead exposure risk report.
How long is it valid?
- In case of sale
- Pas de plomb ou présence de plomb (< ou = 1 mg/cm²)
The Crep is valid for an unlimited period of time and must be provided at the time of the deed of sale or the promise to sell.
- Plomb présent (> 1 mg/cm²)
The Crep must have been carried out less than 1 year before the sale of the property.
- In case of rental
- Pas de plomb ou présence de plomb (< ou = 1 mg/cm²)
The Crep is valid for an unlimited period and must be provided with the rental contract
- Plomb présent (> 1 mg/cm²)
The Crep must have been completed less than 6 years ago when the property was rented out.
Are there any penalties for not having a lead diagnosis?
The CREP must be attached to the DDT (technical diagnosis file) which accompanies the compromise or the deed of sale.
Its absence is considered a hidden defect.
The future buyer (tenant) may demand the cancellation of the sale (rental) or a reduction of the original sale price (rent).
Is a lead diagnosis mandatory before demolition or work on a building?
This property diagnosis is MANDATORY regardless of the type of property and the year of construction.
It consists of highlighting the presence of lead in the various elements and materials of the building. This assessment will make it possible to identify the presence or absence of lead before the various parties involved in the demolition or work on the building that contains or is likely to contain lead take action.
Unlike the CREP regulated by the public health code, the lead diagnosis before work or demolition must determine whether the materials in the area affected by the work or demolition contain lead and in what concentration.
This diagnosis (certificate) will be carried out and written by one of our certified diagnostic technicians.
This certificate is mandatory so that site teams can protect themselves and work safely by drawing up a protection plan. In addition, it is important to take the environment into account. Lead is a toxic substance that accumulates in the soil and water.
If this diagnosis is not available, the work site may be stopped by the Labour Inspectorate.
How is a "before work" lead diagnosis carried out?
One of our professional certified diagnostic technicians will come and take samples of the different materials to measure the degree of risk.
Lead hazard training is required for staff working on the site.
Lead diagnosis "before work": How long is it valid?
The lead diagnosis before work is not valid for any length of time.
Lead diagnosis "after work": What happens next?
The inspections after work or renovation provided for in Article L.1334-3 include :
After the various renovation or construction works, an inspection will be carried out to analyse and measure the level of lead contamination or its absence.
Some regulatory legislation :
- Article R1334-12 of the Public Health Code: Constat de risques d'exposition au plomb
- Article L1334-8 of the Public Health Code: Combating the presence of lead or asbestos
- Article R4412 of the Labour Code: Prevention of certain risks of exposure
- Article R 4412-156 to R 4412-161 of the Labour Code
What is the cost of lead diagnosis?
As with any diagnosis, the price of the CREP depends on the surface area of the property to be diagnosed and can vary enormously if it is carried out simultaneously in a single visit with other diagnoses (price reduction).
Toutefois la fourchette de tarif d’un diagnostic CREP seul se situe entre 45€ (studio <30m2) à 90€ (T5 <150m2).
For a diagnosis before work or demolition, please contact us.