SOURCE : Actual Immo
Qu’est ce que le diagnostic ERP ?
Lors de la mise en vente d'un bien immobilier, le vendeur se doit d'informer l'acheteur de l'état des risques et pollutions (ERP). Mais ce diagnostic est-il toujours obligatoire ? Comment le réaliser ? Et quels risques je prend s'il n'est pas fourni ?
Le diagnostic ERP c'est quoi ?
Le diagnostic ERP se défini comme l'State of Risks and Pollution. C'est un diagnostic immobilier obligatoire, imposé par l’Article L125-5 of the Environmental Code.
Ce diagnostic doit être joint aux autres diagnostics immobilier lors de la vente ou de la location d'un bien sous certaines conditions. Il permet au futur acquéreur ou locataire de connaître les risques et pollutions auxquels le bien peut être exposé ;
- Natural risks (marine submersion, flooding, landslides, etc.),
- Technological hazards (SEVESO, nuclear, mining risks, etc.),
- Radon pollution,
- Seismic risks.
The risk and pollution report (ERP) is based on information provided by the prefecture in the municipalities concerned. When required, it must accompany the lease or the promise to sell, or even the deed of sale
L'ERP, est-il tout le temps obligatoire ?
This document is not not compulsory everywhere but only in the perimeter of risk areasThe risk prevention plan can be: - a risk prevention plan for a specific area, or - a risk prevention plan for a specific area, or - a risk prevention plan for a specific area. The risk prevention plan may be :
- A PPRN (plan for the prevention of natural risks),
- A PPRT (technological risk prevention plan),
- A PPRM (mine risk prevention plan).
ERP diagnosis is also required in areas of potential radon exposure level 3, as well as in areas exposed to seismic risk level 2 or higher.
A prefectoral decree lists the communes in your department that are concerned by this obligation. It can be consulted:
- in the town hall,
- in the prefecture,
- on the website of the prefecture,
- on the BRGM website,
A valid ERP diagnosis must be produced on the sale or lease of any property Land, building, isolated plot or contiguous plots in joint ownership.
What are the risks if the ERP diagnosis is not carried out?
The ERP form must have been completed less than six months before the signing of the lease or the promise to sell. If this is not the case, or if the ERP diagnosis has not been carried out, the seller / lessor may be held liable. civil and criminal if the property is actually located in a risk area.
- Sale: the purchaser can have the sale cancelled or the sale price reduced.
- Tenancy: the tenant may be entitled to damages.