Important news on ECDs for housing built before 1975
Emmanuelle Wargon, ministre déléguée chargée du logement recevait ce lundi 04 octobre les représentants des professionnels de l’immobilier, des diagnostiqueurs, des éditeurs de logiciels et des notaires autour des solutions apportées aux anomalies détectées dans le diagnostic de performance énergétique (DPE) en vigueur depuis le 1er Juillet 2021.
Dimag news publishes the report of this meeting.

An order to correct the method on Friday 8 October
The Ministry of Housing has indicated that a " The new method can be implemented from 1 November next, while corrections are made to the software used by diagnosticians ". A corrective order is expected to be published on Friday 8 October.
Until 1 November, diagnosticians are advised to continue to " carry out the visits to the dwellings and the necessary measurements for the future elaboration of the ECD once the corrections have been made".
Who will pay for the re-issue of ECDs?
For owners of affected dwellings who had carried out an ECD since 1 July, the Ministry states that "the ECD will not be used for any other purpose. they will be systematically re-issued, at no cost to the owners, by the diagnosticians for those that had been classified F or G".. For housing in D : "The owner will be able to ask the diagnostician for a new edition of the DPE, at no extra cost either. Diagnosticians will be compensated for the costs incurred in re-issuing these ECDs."
Further details should be provided soon as the Minister for Housing, Emmanuelle Wargon, is due to meet all the representatives of the sector on Monday 4 October.